How To Drink More Water

We all know that drinking water is essential.

Maybe you have no trouble getting half your body weight in ounces per day and maybe you can go ALL day and not want a sip. First of all, I’d just like to de-villanize that phenomena. Your thirstiness if a part of your constitution, though a constitution likely at least a little out of balance if you really never want water. I pick remedies based on whether or not you’re thirsty. That is important for me to know. It tells me a lot. In balance, your body should naturally tell you to drink water. I love helping people get back to that place.

Regardless of your thirst status, it can be helpful to have some tools in place for getting enough water in your day. Here are a couple of my fav tips:

  • Start your day with water: while you’re making your coffee or matcha, drink a pint of warm water first. My husband is so used to this when he makes coffee he pours me a cup of hot water from the kettle so I can start sipping while the coffee brews. Good man!

  • Fill up a pitcher with the full amount of water you are aiming to drink in the day and pour it into you glass/water bottle throughout the day. Make sure the pitcher is empty before you go to bed. Extra motivation to get it in early because you know what late evening water means…middle of the night wake ups to pee—no fun!

That’s it. Nothing revolutionary. If you like your water cooler, drink it cool but maybe skip the ice, which can put out your digestive fire. I have more trouble getting enough in in the winter because I prefer it warm so I’m always filling up my glass with half cool and half freshly boiled water. You do you. But make sure that means drinking enough water in your day. Tag your bestie that’s always looking out for your hydration! And stay tuned for more hydration tips in the next few days.