How Does Homeopathy Work?

Most common question when I’m going over a wellness plan for a client.👆🏻 And well, the specifics of exactly what is happening with homeopathy on an energetic and cellular level have yet to be explained, just like so many of the pharmaceutical drugs used today! So, don’t let that deter you from its use because it’s gentleness and effectiveness has been witnessed for hundreds of years and I literally see it change lives in my practice all the time.

Homeopathic remedies are made by extracting substances into a tincture form and then taking one drop of that tincture and placing it into 99 drops of purified water. That mixture is then succussed (tapped on the preparer’s hand), which imprints the energetic signature of the substance on to the structure of the water. This process of dilution is repeated until the desired potency is reached. The more it’s diluted, the more “potent” the remedy. Lower dose remedies work more on the physical plane and higher dose remedies start to encompass more emotional and energetic aspects of a person.

I think of choosing remedies a little bit like giving you a tune up. When your body is in a certain illness state, it emits a frequency. Each remedy also has a frequency and by asking a lot of funny questions (if you work with me, you know!), I can start to pick up on your frequency. I can match a remedy to your frequency and by taking that remedy, your own frequency can start to neutralize or come back into a more balanced baseline for you.

I truly believe if you’re not supporting your body in healing energetically as a part of your greater healing plan, you’re only going to get so far. It’s such an important element of our bodies. We are light and energy beings. We may not understand it completely but we can still use it to bring about health, which is pretty marvelous.