You Are Mean't to Bleed: Thoughts on Getting your Period

While it’s without a doubt more convenient to skip you period or bleed very lightly, the female body was designed to release (literally and energetically) each month, with the exception of pregnancy or menopause.

Even in my practice I see many women who do “really well” on hormonal birth control, meaning they don’t experience the classic crazy, or the weight gain, or the headaches, etc. but they are still coming to see me for a reason that seems unrelated but often actually isn’t.

The birth control pill affects your nutrient status, specifically b-vitamins, zinc and magnesium (all, so important). It also affects your microbiome and gut health, which plays such a huge role in neurotransmitter production. That means it can affect your mood, mental clarity and general sense of wellbeing. It’s also worth noting that a fairly recent research study published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated and increase in breast cancer risk regardless of whether hormones were being delivered via pill, patch, implant, ring or IUD. That’s serious business.

Also, beyond the physical effects of hormonal birth control and the lack of period that often comes with it, the act of bleeding each month is a sacred ritual. It is an internal rhythm of your incredible, feminine, wild self that mimics the perfect rhythm of the environment in which you belong. If you’ve been hesitant to embrace this truth, take a moment to reflect on why that is the case. What have you been told about bleeding or being a woman? Is there some part of yourself that you’ve been neglecting that need nurturing? Is there a story that you’re ready to let go of in order to reclaim this part of being a woman?

I love helping find non-hormonal forms of contraception that works for you and if you’re taking the pill to manage other symptoms, like acne, painful or irregular periods, endometriosis, etc then it’s probably time to do the work to understand why you’re experiencing those symptoms. Conventional medicine doesn’t have great ways of addressing those symptoms besides the pill but naturopathic, Chinese medicine & functional medicine does. If you’re looking for support.