I’m not going to update you on the status of COVID-19 because I’m sure you’re staying informed as well as possible but I’m preparing for a talk next week about things you can be doing to stay healthy, with the reminder that getting sick is also a great exercise for your immune system. Yes, this virus can be very serious for certain populations but mounting a solid immune response is essential for a properly functioning immune system throughout your life. That being said, here’s a simple list of the things you could be doing to support your immune system on a foundational level.
How Does Homeopathy Work?
Most common question when I’m going over a wellness plan for a client.👆🏻 And well, the specifics of exactly what is happening with homeopathy on an energetic and cellular level have yet to be explained, just like so many of the pharmaceutical drugs used today! So, don’t let that deter you from its use because it’s gentleness and effectiveness has been witnessed for hundreds of years and I literally see it change lives in my practice all the time.